Monday, January 9, 2012

My Heaven

Tonight I'm watching Troy. I watch it repeatedly because of one scene. Achilles is standing on a beach, looking over the Agean at a sunrise. I've been there (that area) and did the same thing. And I knew what I was seeing and doing.
In Hagia Sophia there is a doorway that is over 6,000 years old. My guess is 400 generations old. At the time I could only think that it was possible my grandfather with 398 greats in front, had walked through that door. I was able to drive the route of Alexander and saw the spot where the Gordion Knot was hacked away.
I've looked across the same Red Sea that Moses and the Hebrews crossed.
My trip started sitting on the curb sitting in front of my house, staring longingly into the park across the street. I don't know where it's going to end but I had a good time getting there.
If there's a heaven, it'll be a small town in Minnesota on 25 November 1949 so I can do it all over again.
And I want to thank whatever supreme being there is for this trip. It was wonderful.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to beat Wall Street

Get your friends together and pay off local merchants SBA loans (thereby mitigating those pesky interest rates, the profits for the banks).
-Before you buy something, get on your locally produced smartphone and make sure the mfgr isn't listed on the big board.
-Read labels to be sure the product is completely made in USA.
-Don't buy a new car or house.
-Don't use electricity made by fossil or nuclear fuel.
-Use only tools made in your local blacksmith shop.
-Cancel your IRAs and savings accounts (a large source of capital managed by fund managers).
-Don't use checks or debit/credit cards (again, interest).
-Watch only local TV (most of the networks are owned by large corporations, most notably GE).
-See if you can get your county to move to a barter economy.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Where did this come from?

I just witnessed an atrocity on TV. An advertisement by Time-Life Inc for a set of DVDs called Apocalypse:World War II.
They claim that you'll never get closer than these films. It highlights soldiers being killed close up, their bodies falling in the snow, the machines grinding them into paste and the tools of war, filled with men, being destroyed. These scenes are described as "Educational", as if thousands of extras are going to teach you something, then get up and go home home to dinner.
It's a lie of course. These heartless profiteers are riding the bleeding backs of real men to their bank accounts.
I know there are very few WWII veterans left.I hope none of them see this. We all have too many ghosts wandering around in our minds as it is.

An Explanation

My last entry (Here I Come) was intended as a warning for those who use their real identities on social networking sites. Providing personal information adequate to individually identify you is extremely risky. You paint a virtual target on your back.
For example, I did a "Friend Search" for Folsom, CA. Within 2 minutes I found a female target. I learned enough about her to set up her schedule, she has no family, lives alone, she's prone to late night partying and of course her real name and pictures.
Imagine I'm a predator and she's my selected prey.
Protect yourselves and your families. Try to be as anonymous as possible except to your real friends. Cyberfriends don't count.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Here I Come...

I'm a hood, who's been to the pen twice for violent crime. I robbed and beat a 73 year-old lady for her pearls when I was 19. I got 15 years for that, but was out in 9 for good behaviour. At 28 I hit a Seven-Eleven using a knife. Since I didn't use a gun I only got 18 months.
A couple of nights ago I got into a house and scored fairly well. Among the stuff is a laptop computer. When I turned it on it went straight to Facebook. As I was looking around I saw a woman named Alice Johnson that lived in the same town I am in. Not only that, This chick is a really loaded artist. Owns her own gallery and everything. Got her husbands name. A little google search gave me address and phone number. Also got pics of her kids. If she owns an art gallery, she can buy her kids back.

Respect, Pride, Dignity

By achieving we gain respect for ourselves.
By gaining respect for ourselves, we gain respect from others.
By gaining respect from others we gain pride in ourselves.
From the pride in ourselves we grow dignity.
From within our dignity we see the dignity of others.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


About the last post. This week I went to the hospital and was tortured some more. That was on Facebook. What I didn't say was I told the doctor about the TLE problem with the occasional dips into depression. After I pointed out the link between corticosteroids and depression and my increased aura activity I got "oops, stop using the grease." The auras have stopped and I feel a lot better. What's funny is that the nurses knew about the reaction. Sometimes I feel like an experiment.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I don't know

For the last week I been throwing auras like crazy (8). But for some reason no seizures. I've found something that works better than Dilantin.
   As soon as I feel something coming on (deja vu, rotten turkey smell or this really strange sense of vertigo) I call for mom. She comes over and holds my hand. So far It's worked great.
   She's worried to death. I see it every time she looks at me. She asks me at least once per hour if I'm OK. She calls me from church to check on me.
   My greater concern is my emotional makeup. Also some cognitive problems. Memory is deteriorating. I'm scared something is coming at me and I have no idea what.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Preparing to cry.

Another child leaves home. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. I never get used to it. Even when one comes to visit and is here for only a couple of days, I cry when she leaves. I always have. When we went to visit them with their families and it's time to leave, that old hole opens up. I guess it can't be helped. This time it's somewhat worse. Not only is a child leaving, but this time I envy her. She's going into a relative unknown, starting a new chapter in her life. How wonderful is that? I used to be able to hold back the tears until after they were gone. Can't do that any more. Good luck my baby.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A day in the life

Let's analyze this last couple of days.
  1. I had 8 seizures. I went to the hospital and was seen by a P.A. who put me into the ICU.
  2. Everybody in the unit was nice and friendly to me. They were probably wondering what the hell I was doing there. I know I wasn't. As a matter of fact, even though I was working physically the command module was still circling the moon.
  3. I do remember seeing a 21 year old mom staring back into my nearly vacant head with huge owl eyes. Seeing that is almost as bad as pushing my head down the toilet 8 times. I'm told that my chilluns came by but I have no memory of that even though I had somewhat of a conversation.
  4. My first solid memory is a Code Blue across the room. A swarm of ICUites descended on the poor SOB. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
  5. Something else different: I had no fluids running. Usually I have Sodium Sol running. They put a header (or whatever it's called) in my forearm.
  6. The next morning, when it was decided to move me up to the 4th floor, I was parked next to the Nurses station waiting for a pusher. During this wait a pair of people walked in the front door and were greeted with “Hi. I'm the hospital Chaplain and I'm afraid he didn't make it.” What a sucky job. And to think God gave it to him.
  7. Upon arrival on the fourth floor I was attacked by a breakfast creature. This egg was obviously cooked in radiology and after coming to life, crawled to my room with the leash intended to control it still attached. I apologize to Godzilla for eating his grandchild.
  8. I wasted the next few hours wandering in and out of consciousness. The nurse said I could go home as soon as the podiatrist saw me. From that I assumed I had 4 seizures per foot and gladly accepted the possibility. After all, I'm not a professional.
  9. Foot man arrives around 8pm. He pulls the stitches from my stump and continued with some minor debriding on the other foot. “I missed that!”
  10. My foot was bandaged and I was allowed to leave. Stumpy started some minor drainage into the bandage and scared the crap out of mom.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Loss

For those of you that actually read this stupid blog, I want to let you know that I think I've figured out why I feel down so much.
     First an explanation of the Wind Spirit. The mongolians believe in an entity called the Windhorse. It comes to you when you are riding your horse at full gallop and the wind is blowing in your face. It's a feeling of overwhelming abandon and joy. The girl in the famous scene from The Titanic where the girl is riding the bow of the ship is probably one of the best depictions of the Windhorse meeting someone.
     It's the reason people ride motorcycles or drive convertibles. It's why a mountain climber immediately turns his face into the wind after reaching the summit. It's why dogs hang their heads out of car windows.
     I first met the Windhorse when I was around 3. My mother would put me on a merry-go-round and push while I yelled "faster, faster." , or on a swing and want to go higher.
     Nothing makes me happier than to go for a ride with mom and get hopelessly lost. I have this incredible urge to stick my head out of the window.
     I miss the Windhorse.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

People, People, People.

Nixon was drummed from office, not for dirty tricks, but because
[goto refrain]
Bill Clinton was fined $300,000 not for a collapsed zipper but because
[goto refrain]
John Edwards Is being thrown out of office, not because his zipper collapsed, but because
[goto refrain]

[refrain] HE LIED!

HAVE YOU GOT A GRIP ON THIS? Stop saying they're being persecuted for the simple human failings of being horny! We all know that politicians have no personal morals. The law schools teach them that. We expect only one thing from them, (beyong keeping the bottom of the fishtank clean), TELL US THE TRUTH!
   I don't expect them to compromise the Keyhole sattelite system. But when they're caught with a paiges face in their crotch in the broom closet, don't tell me she is trying to clean the lint from his pants.

Friday, May 13, 2011


1. Know which way is North, always. This impresses the shit out of people and is fairly easy to do. Most streets run north-south or east-west. Look at a street sign. or Hold your wristwatch over your heart, level with the ground, and look down at it. Point the hour hand at the sun. The north-south line is half way between the hour hand and 12 o'clock. In North America the sun rises in the south-east and sets in the south-west.

2. If it works in water, it probably works the same way with whatever your talking about. This applies mostly to physics or electronics problems. Water runs down hill. The steeper the angle, the greater the voltage. The bigger the pipe, the greater the amperage. The smaller the sprinkler hole the greater the resistance.

3. Big thing here. Pop science is nearly always wrong. If you see it on the news or talk shows the studies are probably incomplete. At worst a concept is forwarded for financial gain. If this kind of subject comes up in conversation simply say you can't find the raw data to check it out.

4. Learn and cherish Newton's 3 laws of motion.

   1. An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

   2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

   3. For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

Example: When you throw your laptop at the wall (1st law) it will go as fast as you can throw it (2nd law) and break into many pieces (3d law because the laptop absorbs the reaction. The back is still following the first law as the front is following the third law.)

 Ignore that crap.

  1. Never grab the pointy end of a soldering iron.

  2. Use pliers to hold a nail you're driving with a hammer.

  3. If you have to lift a heavy item, get someone else to do it.

  4. Always make sure your keys are in your pocket before you lock a door behind you.

  5. When you're in the dark you can use your cell phone for a flashlight.

Monday, May 9, 2011

We All Have Our Own Happinesses

I thought I may as well get a record of this in.
  Yesterday (Sunday 5/8/11) I had a petit-mal seizure. Somewhat Unique this time. Mom was in the kitchen working. I had the deja-vu aura and smelled the rotten turkey. As soon as I realized I was auraing I yelled out "Deja-vu" followed by "I smell rotten turkey. I waited a couple of minutes and when nothing happened I thought I got away without a seizure.
  What I didn't know was that mom had been sitting with me, holding my hand, waiting for me to go Grand-Mal. I just happened to wake up while she was back in the kitchen for a minute. I had no idea I was gone.
  I guess that's about as good as it gets.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Are We?

Last night Osama Bin Laden was killed. The SEALS took him and his son and a couple of other people out in a nighttime fastrope strike. He (OBL) chose death rather than surrender. I approve.
 What I don't like was the pictures of people dancing in the streets of Times Square. At this point I have to wonder about what we've become. I remember the people of Rome screaming in joy as the leopards tore the people on the floor of the Colosseum to pieces. Are we the new Romans? I pray not.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Watch 'em

I just saw an advertisement for the National Underground Railroad Center in Cincinnati. So I went to the site. I wanted to see what they DO. As far as I could see they collect money and DO nothing else. They used the names of the Rosenthals, who actively searched out antisemetic and NAZIs. They (Rosenthals) DO something. They search out and report to authorities. The Railroad DOES nothing. They're quite content passing out numbers and collecting money. I can't find a single report of them collecting info on coyote operations or collecting info on the organized crime groups that commit white slavery. I will happily donate when I read a report that says that Boris Bozovich was arrested due to evidence collected by the Railroad. Until then they're just a parasite.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Achilles was right

The gods do envy us. I was listening to Yanni at the Acropolis when this hit me. But I can't decide if they envy my back or my eyes. I laid on my back on the steps of the Acropolis and looked up thru the columns into the night sky. I laid on my back in the Agean at sunset and in the Red Sea on a sandbar with a beer on my chest. In Death Valley I saw the most beautiful sky on Earth spinning around me. I laid on the carpets under the domes of St. Sophia and Suleiman mosques and studied their incredible beauty. I slept under park benches in Boston along the Charles River to avoid being picked up by police. My back came in handy again in the aisles of the never ending party of hat used to be the Filmore East.
Is there a self respecting god out there who wouldn't envy my back or eyes?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Yesterday was a big day for me. On the 28th of Feb an idiotic clown disguised as a doctor did a half ass job on me. The next morning he called me in my room and asked me how I felt. I said "OK,all things considered". He said "Good, I'll call the nurse and order your release." I never saw him after the thingy procedure. He told my wife something about I need a bypass in my lower left leg. That was it. Off to the golf course. Oh, incidentally, the lab tests indicated my kidneys were weak and a nephrologist was supposed to come to me BEFORE I left the hospital. Thank God I have my own nephro guy. I told the nurse to send the test results to him. He knows I'm a Cat 3 kidney patient.
  What really annoys me the most is that this is the same hospital that where I got screwed up a couple of years ago. Yet every time I tell them that Heparin did me in they refuse to believe me. Don't doctors read patient records? It's in their own files. If they don't believe me, shouldn't they call up the records? It seems much more productive than implying that I am a moron.
   That was the small shit. The big news is:
Yesterday, 1 March 2011, was the 40th anniversary of my marriage to the most wonderful woman on earth. This poor girl has put up with more shit in her life by being married to me than anyone should. 39 years ago I was an out of control guy with a corvette, a gun and a bad adrenaline problem. My favorite hat was a blood covered cigar store Indian hat and my favorite activity was driving thru the desert at 100mph shooting at whatever moved, simultaneously. Mom had to put up with that kind of thing for years. When I wasn't driving her crazy it's because the Army separated us. She was constantly being abandoned to cope with 3 kids by herself. This woman was and still is the perfect wife. And what is even more amazing is she loves me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Allen Paradox

I've given up carousing, quit drinking, quit fast driving and now quit smoking.
  How come the cleaner I live, the shittier I feel?